Friday, April 8, 2016

P is for Pablo
that likes pina colada
A P can look like
a B or a D.

A P can be a Perfect
Pacific Play land
for Pam.

All things P can be
P can be for
Paper, popcorn
and pain.

Panic, Pepperoni, pepper, pile,
penny.programmer, profit.

progress, property

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Insult poem.



                                                                YOUR BLONDE HAIR

                                                           LOOKS LIKE U DON'T CARE.







Monday, January 11, 2016

In the summer of 1993 there lived a girl in a small town. The town's name was smallville. She had black hair and brown skin color.she was about 5’’6 she wasn't very tall.  She did not have friends and nobody liked her.  She was always bullied at school and everywhere she went.

she lived a little bit out of town. Her name was Liz.  Liz had a big oak tree in the middle of the field in the back of her house. Liz’s parents had a big house.They had 7 beds and 6 baths.
Liz had one brother.Hi name was bobby. Bobby had already graduate from high school. He went to the war to fight afghanistan. Liz had not seen bobby in two years. He didn't visit  her very often.When bobby visited liz he did not let her leave his site.Bobby loved his sister very much and tried to go home as much as possible.Bobby knew that his sister was diagnosed with cancer.He tried everything to cheer her up and try to make her forget how hard her life was.
Little did everyone know she was diagnosed with cancer.The only people who knew liz had cancer was her parents and her brother. Liz started to go get treatment for the cancer.The treatment was not helping her cancer get any better.              

Doctors said:“Liz I don't know if you can beat this cancer.” “It has spread and it looks like the treatment is not working.”We don't know how much longer you have, you could live to a year or you could die tomorrow.”
Liz was devastated when she heard she had cancer.Liz couldn't stand not to know how much longer she had to live.

Her parents had very good jobs. Her mother was the founder of facebook.Her father was a football player in the NFL.He played for the green bay packers. He retired about two years ago. Her parents weren't home very often. She was alone most of the time.The only time her parents where were with her was when she had to go get treatment for her cancer and they came to visit twice a week to visit her and to check on the house.

Liz alway thought about how life would be like if she wasn't there. How much her parents would miss her.Her parents didn't visit her as much as she would like.She knew her brother loved her, but he had been gone for so long. She didn't think that he would think about her anymore. She didn't know how much her brother would miss her or even think about her if she died. Liz had a very hard life she had feelings that she couldn't explain, that was making her mad so she started to question life. She cut her wrist because she thought it would make her feel better. It did make her better for a little bit. Then she looked at the scars and said. Do I want to die knowing I cut myself just to make me fell better. She stayed at home for a little bit taking care of her mom and dad's house before they came.

One day  she was taking a walk so she wouldn't cutting herself. She wanted to stop cutting herself but she had nobody to talk to and she thought nobody would understand her. Pulse nobody wanted to be her friend because she looked different from everybody else because of the cancer.
When she went to go get fresh air, on her way when she was walking into town, she was passing these houses and looking at the details on the houses she ran into this boy.
They both fell backwards on their butts and holding there heads to where they hit each other.  When she went to go see who she ran into, it was a guy about thee same age as her and he was tall with dark brown hair and he was in really good shape. He looked like the guy that had no problem making friends. He asked if she was ok and helped her up and introduced himself.
“Hi i'm tommy." he said politely Hi i'm liz." she replied. Tommy asked her if her head was ok.Yeah it's fine it just hurts a little bit. "I'm sorry it was my fault." he said apolagetoicly "No it mine I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking." She answered

"Im new here I just move in the neighborhood." He said "
"I don't live in this neighborhood I live a little bit out of town." She explained
"In a big hose with a oak in the back".
"Cool Do you want to hang out said." said Tommy.
"I don't know if that's such a good idea."She answered
“Why?” LIz said "because if you hang out with me then nobody will like you."
"Why will nobody like me". "Well nobody likes me anyways." Tommy said we
“I like you and I don't care what other people think about me.”
A couple days went by and they started to hang out more often.They went to a park one day a  girl came up to the both of them and pushed liz down and tommy got mad and asked her why she did that. She said because she is dumb and a loser and she should just kill herself. Liz got up and punched her in the face and she dropped to the ground with a loud boom. Liz got on top of her and kept hitting her saying “I HATE YOU”. Tommy got Liz off of her and Liz punched Tommy right in the face. Right after she realized she punched tommy she felt so bad. The girl Liz punched was laying on the ground crying holding her face while blood was dripping off her hands. Tommy took a look at liz and said we have to go. They left leaving the girl and her friends at the park. They finally got to the side of town where Liz lived. They walked to her house and sat in down in the living room.

Tommy took a look at Liz's hands because they were bleeding.Tommy wrapped up her hands and Liz got Tommy ice for his face where she punched him. She felt so bad. Tommy asked her why she started to punch her.
She has told me to kill myself for a long time. So I cut my wrist and I thought it made me feel good. But in all reality I was just hurting myself and bringing myself down. Now I have the scars to remind me everyday when I use to be that low in life.
Now they spend more time with each other and start falling in love with each other. The only time they would hang out is when she had to got the doctors to get treatment,she didn't want tommy to know that she was dieing..
A couple more weeks went by and doctors keep telling her that she doesn't have much longer to live. They still don't know how much longer she had. After they told her that they fell in love and hung out more often. One day they were hanging out and she got light headed and passed out. Tommy carried her to the hospital and they told him she had cancer and it was just a side effect.
When she woke up he asked her if she had cancer. Tommy did not want Liz lying to him. She said yes I have cancer and I'm dying the doctors don't know how much longer I have.
They got out of the hospital and hung out as much as possible. A Couple months went by and Liz started not to feel well anymore. Tommy knew she was dying, he tried to think of life without her and he couldn't think of one. One day they where hanging out at her house and she was sleeping in his lap and he realized that she wasn't breathing.

He called the cops and he cried so much. That night he went back home got into his bathroom cabinet and got some pills. He went to his bedroom and cried for hours. He laid down on his bed and took the whole bottle of pills and tried to fall asleep before the pills kicked in. That day he died in his sleep from an over dose. The next day they buried them next to each other with their tumbs saying “teen love last forever.”


    By:Brianna Baca

Thursday, January 7, 2016